1. Design Consultation & Garden Vision

As a starting point, we invite you to complete our digital design questionnaire which will help us understand your current garden highlights and concerns, as well as your design aspirations and preferences.

Following this, our design team will schedule a video consultation to discuss the design brief and delve further into your garden vision. Feel free to share any visual inspirations, such as photos or magazine clippings, before our meeting; we often recommend creating a Pinterest board for effective collaboration, or you can send images to us via WeTransfer or other file-sharing platforms. We are, of course, here to give you some guidance and spark creativity and will talk about your budget for the project.

Further to the conceptualisation phase, we will summarise our discussions in a client brief and provide a fee proposal for the initial design stage.


2. Initial Design Stage

We will first arrange a site visit to assess the current garden layout and identify any key issues relevant to developing a design.

To create an effective garden design, we conduct a thorough garden survey to map out the layout, features, levels, and existing services. This survey is accurately scaled and presented in a digital format upon agreement. If you have a previous garden survey, we will ask that you kindly provide us with a copy of the plan.

Using the design brief and garden survey data, we will move on to develop a concept plan and mood board. A meeting, either online or in person, will be scheduled to discuss the plan. Your feedback will guide any necessary adjustments and modifications. We will advance to the following stage only upon your approval and satisfaction with the direction.


3. Final Design Stage

After approving the concept design, we will meticulously research the necessary landscaping materials, plants, and furniture. A final comprehensive garden design incorporating planting plans and construction drawings will be developed.



We will share the 2D design proposal of your garden, estimated timeline, estimated investment and contract for your approval and to discuss the garden build process.

We can also provide 3D renders for an additional design fee upon request. These realistic renderings provide clients with a clear visual representation of their future garden, aiding in their understanding and decision-making process.


4. Design Approval and Installation Proposal

The Design Approval and Installation Proposal phase is a critical step in the garden design process. This phase involves finalising and approving the design concept, which enables us to accurately estimate the costs associated with the construction phase, including materials and labour. 

During this stage, we may present you with several iterations of the fee proposal to ensure that the budget aligns with the agreed-upon design. Your approval is essential as it signifies the green light to proceed with the implementation of the design plan. This phase serves as a bridge between the design conceptualisation and the actualisation of your dream garden.

5. Garden Build

During the Garden Build Phase, our team focuses on efficient project management to ensure timely delivery, adherence to the agreed budget, and alignment with the approved design.

Our approach is centred on open communication and collaboration with the client throughout the construction process. By maintaining constant contact and providing regular updates, we aim to guarantee that the project progresses smoothly, meets expectations, and ultimately brings the envisioned garden design to life.


6. Aftercare & Garden Maintenance

As standard, we provide a basic garden aftercare plan that outlines essential maintenance details for your garden. However, to ensure the longevity and vitality of your garden, preserving the original design vision and enhancing its development over time, we highly recommend that you utilise the services of our experienced garden maintenance team.

We will formulate a maintenance plan to ensure new planting achieves its potential and is successful all year round. Alternatively, we can offer a full head gardener and management service to oversee your team or engage the services of our own expertly trained plantsman.



We believe in the complete lifecycle of a garden project, from conception to maintenance and on this featured project, we conduct regular visits to care for the garden, ensuring its plants flourish and it stays true to the original vision.

We also take great delight in capturing photography of an evolving space, documenting its transformation through the changing seasons. This commitment to ongoing care and documentation reflects our dedication to creating enduring, beautiful outdoor environments for our clients.

Of course, we prioritise client privacy and seek permission before capturing any photography of their outdoor space, ensuring that their personal preferences and privacy are respected at all times.

This project in St Johns Wood at just 6m x 13m is a real testament that you do not need a big space to create a lush and tranquil green retreat.

By seamlessly integrating lush greenery with perfectly designed hard landscaping elements, we believe we have created a truly harmonious outdoor sanctuary that captivates the senses and provides our clients with a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.