In the heart of London's vibrant neighbourhoods, the front entrance serves as a gateway to homes and a reflection of the residents within. Whether you have a grand entrance or a cosy corner to call your own, investing in the design of this vital space can truly enhance the character and charm of your property.
The problem
We have identified a lack of key practical knowledge amongst many industry professionals in the field of gardening, landscaping and garden design. Business owners are missing potential earning opportunities as a result. Retaining reliable, focused and knowledgeable staff within our industry is also problematic and subsequently, businesses find themselves understaffed and stretched for resources and time.
Our solution
We are launching a unique training academy to share our expertise.
Through a menu of short, focused courses, we will provide specialist knowledge to industry professionals with the objective to empower them with the skills and knowledge to immediately implement their learnings, impress their clients and increase their revenue stream.
In an industry flooded with information and advice, (Countless videos and books explain how to prune and plant, but) we cut through the clutter to focus on the tricks of the trade to ensure our guests have the knowledge to make a garden look really fantastic.
Why are we doing this?
We’ve learned so much over our decades in business. We’ve made mistakes but we are constantly learning, developing and adjusting what we do. We are incredibly passionate about knowledge sharing and personal development. It is something we see on a day-to-day basis through running our own business. We wanted to offer this as a learning experience to help professionals overcome gaps in knowledge and increase their confidence levels.
Who is the training aimed at?
Professional gardeners who have undertaken initial training but now want to enhance their skills to create truly inspiring gardens.
Hard landscapers looking to learn simple planting design techniques that they can easily replicate in future projects.
Garden designers looking to understand the technical details of planting so they can confidently talk through issues with contractors.
What will the courses cover?
Courses will focus on specific skills that bring genuine value and will be a mixture of theory and practical endeavours. Content will cover all aspects of horticulture including; design techniques, planting styles and practices, plant choices, stock selection, landscaping, maintenance, soil preparation, plant care, drainage, and more.
Courses are structured, but adaptive and progressive, allowing the trainer to showcase their personal flair and expertise.
How DO we differ FROM other training providers?
What sets us apart in the training space is our inclusive approach to training in our industry, be it business owner or the individual, working in the field of gardening, landscaping or garden design. Not only do we want to help build knowledge and confidence, but also take people on a journey of personal discovery.
Where will the courses be held?
Initially, the courses will be offered in the Hampshire area, but we are open to running courses in different areas of the south to suit trainers’ needs - especially if they have access to garden examples that would benefit the course.
Alaster Anderson Training Academy is a collaboration between Alaster, the co-founder of Alaster Anderson – The Planting Experts, and accomplished garden design trainer and horticulturalist, Natalie Nixon.
“If you possess a depth of experience in the horticultural industry, are passionate and charismatic and have the ability to share knowledge with enthusiasm and clarity we would love to hear from you. ”